  • 08 Jun 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

In this article we're going to look at the True/false block.

Use this to test true/false conditions to direct a user down a particular path depending on whether the conditions are met.


"True/false" is typically used in conjunction with other blocks such as "Set a variable" which you can find in the "Advanced" category of the block builder.

Let's dive in!


  • Testing a variable whether it is True or False.
  • Providing your bot with logic that enables it to test certain inputs and/or direct users through decision trees based on the testing of those inputs against variables you have set here.

STEP 1: Add a new block.

STEP 2: Select the "Advanced" category.

STEP 3: Select the "Set a Variable" block.

The following window will appear:

Let's explore the elements of this page.

You have a few elements with which you can interact here such as:

  • Conditions - which are made up of these sub-elements:
    • @@Variable
    • Operator
    • Comparison Value

Let's start with "@@Variable".

You can either select from an existing variable, or simply type in a completely new one. For this example, we are going to create a new variable called "@@IsRegistered" from the example we set in our "Set a variable" article. For this example, we are going to test whether the user is registered based on the variable mentioned.

Let's set it to "@@IsRegistered"

You can click the drop-down to select from system variables or any of your existing variables you have already created. We explore the "Set a variable" block in a previous article. You can also create a new variable here if you'd like, however, you will need to ensure you use the corresponding variable in a new block with the "Set a variable" block to make sure your True/False test works.


The Operator defines how you want to "test" the value of the variable you selected. 

Select from the list of available drop-down options - for the purposes of this example, we are going to choose "Equal to".

Comparison Value:

Based on our example, we want to test if our "@@IsRegistered" variable is "Equal to" a value of "true".

Therefore, we must set the "Comparison Value" to "true" (to match the value set in our variable "@@IsRegistered" as follows:

STEP 4: Click on "Save" to save the the True/false block. At minimum, the following elements of this block must be completed:

  • @@Variable you are testing.
  • Operator you are using against the "Comparison Value" for your "@@Variable"
  • Comparison Value - This may or may not be required depending on the operator type.


You can "+ADD NEW RULE" if you'd like to test more than one condition is met. Simply clidk on the blue button and complete the conditions as many times as required.


Once saved, you will see your True/false block will appear in your bot editor window attached to the last block onto which you added your "True/false" block.

From here, you can then continue building your bot by adding additional blocks taking whatever avenue you prefer.

Done! You've successfully used the "True/false" block.