Report Summary - Data Enrichment
  • 08 Jun 2022
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Report Summary - Data Enrichment

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Article summary

In the "Report Summary - Overview" article, we covered the basic interface layout, so we will now explore the Report Summary Bar in detail again. For this article, we are looking at the "Data Enrichment" tab:

We will look at the following elements of Data Enrichment as follows:

  1. Data Enrichment Summary (Total)
  2. Data Enrichment

The tab will load like this:

Let's explore each of these features.

1. Data Enrichment Summary(Total)

This section displays a TOTAL (summed) count of each variable "@@variablename" attribute stored in Buildabot about each consumer. This is broken down by each variable. Here is a table to just illustrate what this means:

Of the Total 33 Consumers who have interacted with your bot (during the selected reporting date period):

Reporting Metric
Corresponding Variable
Date of Birth
Custom 1
Custom 2
Custom 3

2. Data Enrichment

The following activities can be performed:

  • Search for data.
  • Export the data (to an Excel file).

The data enrichment table will display the following tabular data:

  • Mobile Number - The mobile number of the user from which the interaction with your bot took place.
  • Name - If the variable "@@Name" has a value stored for it, this is what will appear here.
  • Gender - If the variable "@@Gender" has a value stored for it, this is what will appear here.
  • Email - If the variable "@@Email" has a value stored for it, this is what will appear here.
  • Date of Birth - If the variable "@@Dob" has a value stored for it, this is what will appear here.
  • Opt-In - If the variable "@@Optin" has a value stored for it, this is what will appear here.
  • Custom 1 - If the variable "@@Custom1" has a value stored for it, this is what will appear here.
  • Custom 2 - If the variable "@@Custom2" has a value stored for it, this is what will appear here.
  • Custom 3 - If the variable "@@Custom3" has a value stored for it, this is what will appear here.

Here is an example of what the exported data would look like: