Send an audio file
  • 12 Jul 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Send an audio file

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Article summary

Send an audio file to users from your bot. Keep it simple by just adding the audio media, or include captions and use some of the editor tools we talked about earlier when using the block “Send a text message” to add bold, italics, emoticons or variables.

Supported file types are:

  • mp4
  • mp3
  • aac
  • amr
  • opus
  • Use as a way to convey an idea/message to your user to create a primarily auditory experience for your user.

Lets unpack the available features within this block and what you can do with it.

Select the type of media you’d like your bot to send. You can select from the following:

  • Upload File.
  • From URL (if the audio file is hosted elsewhere).

Each option will present you with an element you will need to interact with in order to proceed. Let’s see what each one does:

Upload File

This will require you to “Select Files To Upload”. Click on the button and use your file explorer application to browse to the file you’d like to upload.

Once successfully uploaded, the window will update like the example shown below.

Once you click on “Apply” you will see the new block appear in the block editor. See below:

And from start to finish, it would look like this:

Do this by:

  1. Adding a new block.
  2. Selecting “Send a Message” as the category (It is usually selected by default).
  3. Select the “Send an audio file” block.
  4. Select from the available options along the top of the block for the type of media you’d like to send. Available options are:
    1. Upload File (Such as a JPG, PNG, GIF, MP3, MP4 etc.)
    2. From URL (if hosted externally).
  5. Then:
    1. If Uploading a File – Browse to the file you’d like to upload.
    2. If using From URL – Insert the URL link you’d like to send.
  6. Lastly, add a caption if you wish and click on "Apply" to add the block as you've configured it.
Add a caption to give context to your file attachment or URL. You can also format your caption with bold, italics or emoticons if you like just as you can with “Send a text message”.