Event tracking
  • 08 Jun 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Event tracking

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Article summary

In this article we're going to look at the Event tracking block.

The Event Tracking block ties into reporting for your bot by tracking specific activities. You may want to set these up depending on what metrics are important to you so you can work out what level of interaction was had with your bot via different pipelines in your bot.

For this example, we are going to track engagement for users who asked for help using a keyword hyperlink.

Let's dive in!


  • Track and report on specific parts of your bot through the actions/interactions a user makes.
  • Segment interactions to obtain valuable insights into the way users are interacting with your bots.

STEP 1: Add a new block.

STEP 2: Select the "Advanced" category.

STEP 3: Select the "Event tracking" block.

The following window will appear:

Let's explore the elements of this page.

You have a few elements with which you can interact here such as:

  • Event Category
  • Event Action
  • Event Label

Let's start with the "Event Category"

Use "Event Category" to specify a primary category.

Let's track user engagement as the Event Category.

Event Action

You would want to define what activity or action took place that would justify a description for your Event Action.

Let's say the user has triggered a keyword "help" as they are looking for some help options. We might describe this as "Asked for help" as the action.

Event Label

Now we can define the event label.

Let's say we have a "Keyword Hyperlink" setup called "help" which directs a user to a help menu. We know they would have typed in "help" wherever they were interacting within your bot to jump directly to the help options. So we will call this event label "Help keyword hyperlink".

STEP 4: Click on "Save" to save the the Event tracking block. At minimum, the following element(s) of this block must be completed:

  • Event Category
  • Event Action
  • Event Label


Once saved, you will see your Event Tracking block will appear in your bot editor window attached to the last block onto which you added it.

From here, you can then continue building your bot by adding additional blocks taking whatever avenue you prefer.

Done! You've successfully used the "Event tracking" block.